  • Strain Gauge Terminal
  • Strain Gauge Terminal

Strain Gauge Terminal

Strain Gaguge Terminal commonly employed as a strain-relief anchor between the thin leads from the solder pads of the bonded SG and the thick wires or the cables of sensors.
  • Strain Gauge Terminal


The bondable terminals from HAIBO SENSOR are designed for gauge wiring. They are are commonly employed as a strain-relief anchor between the thin leads from the solder pads of the bonded SG and the thick wires or the cables of sensors.

When wiring the bonded strain gauges (SG) into Wheatstone bridge circuit, it is not recommended to solder thick wires or cables of sensors directly to the SG solder pads. This is because, due to its rigidity and weight, the thick wire or the cable may easily damage the bonded SG, or may introduce false signals which can degrades the accuracy of sensors.

To prevent these, it is necessary to use bondable terminals for gauge wiring. The bondable terminals can be bonded on the sensor body at the same time when the SG are bonded. By means of the bonded terminals, for gauge wiring, one can first solder one end of thin leads directly onto the solder pads of the bonded SG, and solder the other end of the thin leads to one end of the bondable terminal. Afterwards, one can solder one end of the thick wire or the cable onto the other end of the bondable terminal.